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Writer's pictureSilvia EcheverriaTalavera

40 Min Power Yoga Workout - Strength & Energy & Flexibility l Amari Yoga Horsham l Yoga with Silvia

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This 40 min power yoga workout will get your energy & blood moving, all body awakened . We will practice some fun moves to get you present, focused & more concentrated. You will open your heart for new energy, your mood will be lifted & your will have a nice sense of livelihood in your whole body.

Level : intermediate/advance.

Focus: Full Body.

Here is a full list of the asanas we will go thought the practice with the benefits you will get by practising them often enough.

A very close resemblance to Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana (Standing Split Pose) is Tri Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana (Three Legged Downward Facing Dog Pose). While in the former pose, it is the standing leg that stretches the most, whereas in the later, its is the extended leg that stretches the most. While both these poses have almost the same benefits, given below are the detailed explanations of benefits for Standing Split Pose:

  1. Hamstrings and Quadriceps: In Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana, the standing leg muscles like; the hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves are stretched the most, while in the extended leg, the gluteus maximus is stretched the most.

  2. Knees, Calves, and Ankles: As with any standing balancing yoga pose, the calf muscles are strengthened while engaging the knees and the ankles, thereby strengthening the lower body.

  3. Shoulders and Arms: In Standing Split Pose, with the support of the arms and shoulders, the flexibility of both the upper body and the lower body are improved. The use of the arms and shoulders also helps to open the heart, provided the breathing is smooth, and well coordinated with the body movements.

  4. Abdomen and Lower Back: With the flexing of the hips and the core muscles being engaged ( belly pulled in), the abdominal muscles get strong and flexible with practice. Strong and flexible abdominal muscles supports the lower back, which further supports the muscles at the base of the spine. Strong abdominal muscles also helps for better functioning of the internal organs, especially the liver and kidney. This posture acts like a great way to support the detoxification process that happens naturally in the body.

  5. Spine and Flexibility: The engaging of the muscles at the upper body with the deep stretch are strengthened leading to better flexibility with practice. This eventually also strengthens the spine, thereby improving in its flexibility, while also improving the body posture.

  6. Chest and Diaphragm: With the engaging of the shoulders and the arms, the chest and the diaphragm muscles are also engaged keeping them active. Therefore, the breathing improves with the efficient use of the diaphragm muscles, reducing symptoms related to asthma. The chest, when active, keeps the heart well supported, an encouraging sign for the good supply of blood.

  7. Chakra and Energy: With the practice of Standing Split Pose the chakras can also be activated to bring balance in the body. The Ajna Chakra (Third Eye) when activated, helps to improve; focus, concentration, memory, and will power, while teaching one to surrender, and stay calm and content. Though to achieve this, students need to gain a lot of stability in the body and mind.

Vasisthasana Padangusthasana
Side Plank with Toe Hold

Unlike many arm balance yoga poses, Vasisthasana (Side Plank Pose) is a side arm balance pose and comes with some benefits apart from preparering the body for more challenging arm balance poses. Given below are some of these benefits:

  1. Arms and Shoulders: The practice of Vasisthasana (Side Plank Pose) is mainly done to improve the strength of the arms and shoulders, while also teaching the students to engage the scapula (shoulder blades) since this is essential for all arm balance yoga poses. While strengthening the arms, they also get toned.

  2. Core and Abdominal Muscles: Every arm balance pose requires greater understanding of using the abdominal muscles by engaging the entire core muscles. Thus, with this practice of side arm balance, students will improve in their core strength while learning to focus on using the abdominal area efficiently.

  3. Hips and Spine: When engaging the core muscles, students will also use the pelvic floor muscles to hold the hips in position. This will help to bring stability to the hips when practiced equally on both sides. When there is stability in the hips, and the core muscles get stronger, eventually they all support the spine.

  4. Wrists and Feet: Side Plank Pose puts pressure mostly with the weight of the body resting on the wrists and feet. Wrists are essential part of all arm balance poses, and in this case even the feet, hence a great pose to work on them to build strength and flexibility.

  5. Lower body: The legs plays a great role from the engaging of the gluteus maximus, hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves. The toning of the lower body is done while improving in the strength and flexibility, of the same.

  6. Awareness and Endurance: Knowing the body and it's limitations are essential part of practicing this pose. While being aware of the body as well as the breathing pattern, this pose teaches students both, to let go, or get stronger. This will further help in building endurance and focus for more challenging poses.

  7. Balance and Stability: The practice of Side Plank Pose (Vasisthasana) is about both sides of the spine as well as both sides of the brain. Focusing on getting equal stretch and stability on both side while with this posture also helps in bringing balance to both sides of the body as well as the mind.

Parivrtta Hasta Padangusthasana
Extended hand to big toe pose

Given below are the benefits derived with the practice of Parivrtta Hasta Padangusthasana (Revolved Hand To Big Toe Pose):

  1. Some of the benefits derived are similar to the practice of Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana D (Standing Hand to Big Toe Pose D) since Revolved Hand To Big Toe Pose is a variation of this standing balancing posture.

  2. Stretches and Strengthens: The practice of Revolved Hand To Big Toe Pose stretches the muscles of the legs, with deeper stretch of the gluteus maximus (buttocks). These muscles support the hips and hence the strengthening of the same is important. It also helps to improve the strength of the hips, the side lower back muscles, shoulders, the side abdominal muscles, and psoas muscles.

  3. Hips and Flexibility: The twisting of the hips in Revolved Hand To Big Toe Pose is similar to the twists in Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord Of The Fishes Pose), but with limited range of motion since its a one legged balancing posture. With focus and practice it helps to improve and maintain both the flexibility and stability of the hips. The important aspect to keep in mind in this internal rotation of the hip, is to maintain stability of the pelvis which come with engaging the pelvic floor muscles and the abdominal muscles. This movement therefore helps to improve the flexibility of the hips, going comfortably inwards while strengthening the pelvic floor girdle.

  4. Toning and Lengthening: Revolved Hands To Big Toe Pose since is a twist helps with toning of the leg muscles, hips, sides of the abdomen, and arms. This revolved pose helps to lengthen the muscles of the spine making it more flexible, and creating more space to twist deeper and hold the pose longer.

  5. Awareness and Focus: The balance and twist in this pose requires awareness and focus. Awareness of the core and abdominal muscles, while pulling in the belly keeping them engaged, helps with the twist. With deeper twist, focusing on balance with one foot grounded, shoulders aligned, and hips square comes with practice. Hence a great pose that encourages students to be aware and focus with proper alignment of the body.

  6. Energy and Endurance: Twisting of the abdominal area, the chest and the heart area requires deep breathing, hence with this the body is energized, slowly building endurance with practice to stay longer. When the twist is aligned properly along with the right kind of breathing, the lungs work better taking in more oxygen. This helps to bring energy in the body, increasing the lung capacity.

  7. Balance and Stability: Revolved Hand To Big Toe Pose (Parivrtta Hasta Padangusthasana) requires awareness and focus to help keep the body balanced along with the stability of the hips and shoulders. When the body is energized there is an improved sense of balance, helping to calm the mind, better perseverance, that put together brings balance in the physical body and the mental state of mind. Hence there is scope for inward awareness of the principles of svadhyaya of moving into the practice slowly. Thus the practice of this pose brings balance in the Root Chakra (Muladhara Chakra), that talks about balance, stability, confidence and surrender.

  8. Others: Dancers, runners, swimmers, teenagers, etc., can benefit from this practice since it tones and shapes the body while strengthening the gluteus maximus, and muscles of the hips and abdomen.

Eka Pada Malasana
Standing Galard Pose

Some of the benefits of this Garland pose (Malasana) variation are:

  • Great for lower back: This pose is good for the entire back and builds flexibility in the muscles related to the back. The spine expands with tightening of the lower back muscles.

  • Strengthens knees: As the knees are bent, the muscles around the knee are flexed.

  • Conditions legs: Works good for the entire leg, the inner thighs, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves and the ankles. The weight of the body on the ankle in this squat position ensures proper blood circulation and therefore greater functioning of the leg muscles.

  • Opens up chest and shoulders: The chest and the shoulders become strong and the muscles begin to expand therefore improving blood flow and flexibility.

  • Improves Digestion: Malasana has many health benefits. The abdominal organs are well massaged and the toning of the abdominal muscles helps improve digestion.

  • Relieves lower back ache due to Menstruation: It is useful for lower back pains especially for women during menstruation. Malasana (Garland Pose) expands the lower back muscles, keeps the hips strong and gives a great support to the reproductive organs.

In summary, Malasana (Garland Pose) tones overall body: neck, arms, chest, tummy, hips, thighs and legs.

Paravrtta Svarga Dvijasana
Revolved Bird of Paradise

Bird of Paradise pose, has many advantages or benefits that are related to the outer physical body in terms of strength and stability, but we will explain the importance of this posture from the inner physical body that talks about the vital organs and their functions.

Human Anatomy:

  • Active heart pumping: The strength in getting into the Bird of Paradise is not only to do with the muscles alone but also requires the heart which is a muscular organ in us to pump blood better through the blood vessels to hold the leg within the interlocked hands. The pumping of the heart through the blood vessels of the circulatory system is improved with the good flow of oxygen. Hence Svarga Dvijasana demands awareness of breath using the lungs in this case.

  • Activates the lungs with increased capacity: The expansion and contraction of the diaphragm helps in expansion of the lungs. During exhalation (breathing out), the diaphragm relaxes and during inhalation (breathing in) the diaphragm expands, helping the lungs to therefore expand. This process is put to maximum during the practice of Bird of Paradise, as the contraction of the diaphragm muscle plays an important role to lifting the leg up while still remaining in balance to hold the leg high up.

  • The entire system of the body is activated: No doubt all yoga poses have an impact on the entire human body keeping all the organs from within active with the contraction of the concerned muscles. Hence here in Svarga Dvijasana too while going into the pose and while remaining in the pose the entire human system like the endocrine system, the nervous system, respiratory system, the circulatory system, the reproductive system, the digestive system, the immune system and the urinary system are all active with the right kind of contraction of the various muscles with the proper flow of oxygen throughout the body.

General Benefits:

  • Extension of the spine for better flow of prana: In Bird of Paradise Pose, the extended leg forces the torso to remain fairly straight, and this comes with practice. Here with the torso being straight, the hips too are forced to be square, which helps the easy flow of prana from the base of the spine to the entire body through the well connected nerves. This keeps the spine fit and active reducing the blockages around the spine for easy flow.

  • Stretches all the muscles in the human body: The deep stretch of the leg which is being raised, opens the hip adductors and the gluteus maximus. The leg that is balancing the body the lower leg muscles like the calves, the arms holding the legs in interlock, where the biceps and the triceps are. The core strength muscles and the abdominal muscles to get the body in balance. Hence in this pose the entire body muscles are contracted to gain energy to hold the body in the pose.

  • Opens the hips and the lower back improving flexibility: With the deep extension of the legs flexing the body at the hips and keeping the lower back muscles contracted, it opens and clears any kind of stiffness while in the pose and with practice this improves the flexibility of the hips. No doubt one needs to have flexibility of the hips to master this pose, but repeated practice of this pose keeping the body awareness, helps to opens the hips deeper for more advance level poses.

  • Improves the balance of the body with awareness: No yoga pose can be mastered without awareness. And once the awareness is mastered the body feels light while in any posture, and this same rule applies to Bird Of Paradise Pose. The awareness of the movement of the body becomes essential to gain better balance with the connection of the breath and hence this pose gives room for the same.

  • Improved balance calms the mind and reduces anxiety: This pose being an Advance Level balancing pose is standing position, works wonders for those who have a flexible body but needs to work on the awareness to calm the mind. A generally fit body can master this pose, keeping the focus and stability in mind.

  • Improves the posture of the body with the deep stretch of the muscles: Svarga Dvijasana, requires focus, and this helps one to remain in balance for sometime in this pose. Keeping the back and the hip straight with the chest thrown forward and out, anyone with a drooping posture can gain from the practice of this pose.

Utthita Ardha Dhanurasana
Standing Half Bow Balance

Standing Bow Pose benefits the following muscles:

  • Arms and Shoulders

  • Core (Abs)

  • Hamstrings

  • Hips

  • Pelvic

  • Psoas

Eka Pada Padangusthasana Squat
Pistol Squat Pose Holding Foot

Pistol Squat Pose Holding Foot (Eka Pada Padangusthasana Squat) is a full squat pose that requires strength and flexibility of the muscles of the legs, and lower back along with the core muscle strength to help balance the body on one foot.

With focus, this variation of Squat Pose or Toe Balance (Prapadasana) (but with feet on the floor) helps build coordination and stability in the hips, spine, shoulders, knees and feet.

Pistol Squat Pose Holding Foot can also be done in a dynamic way to build strong gluteus maximus, quadriceps and hamstrings muscles.

Given that this pose helps tone the legs, apart from strengthening the leg muscles, it can be included in Sports Yoga Sequences, especially as a warm-up for runners.

For starters Pistol Squat Pose Holding Foot can be practice with a partner to gain comfort and balance, initially with support.

Parsva Bakasana
Sideways Crow Pose

Benefits of Bakasana and Parsva Bakasana are:

  • Maximum use of the core muscles and hence also strengthening them.

  • Strengthens the arms and the shoulders with the balance.

  • Improves co-ordination with mind, body and breath for better balance.

  • Brings more awareness to the body, improving balance

  • Strengthens the hips and the gluteus maximus muscles.

  • Improves the overall confidence in the body and the mind.

  • Builds physical strength and improves overall flexibility.

  • Teaches you to keep the body light and flexible, which helps in the practice of advance poses.

  • Builds endurance, giving more stability with the breathing.

  • Overall improvement with the backbone, with strength and flexibility

  • Crane Pose helps to work with the digestive system, improving it.

Boat Pose

There are many variations to this Boat Pose with the benefits derived being the same, but below are the benefits of the Complete Boat Pose as the first variation.

  • Stretches the hamstrings and quadricep muscles: Holding this pose requires strength at the upper thigh where the quadricep muscles are put to work. The stretching of these muscles along with the hamstrings, help to get the pose it's right posture. This further brings flexibility of these muscles with repeated practice.

  • Strengthens the hip: Here the hips play an important role in balancing the body. Strengthening of the hips will help to balance the body on the hip bones. The higher you lift your legs and the more vertical you take your torso, the more your hip flexors work to become strong.

  • Core and Abdominal muscles become strong: While at this posture the weight of the body should be balanced at the centre which is the core. Tightening of the core or the abdominal muscles during the practice of this pose is essential. This repeated tightening of the core muscles will make them strong which becomes essential for the practice of various other advanced yoga poses.

  • Stretches the entire lower body: In Paripurna Navasana the entire lower body is stretched from the hips to the tips of the toes. The adductor muscles work to keep the inner legs squeezed together. The ankles and the toes work, to give the complete stretch to the legs.

  • Stretches the spinal muscles and strengthens the spinal nerve: The spinal muscles engage to keep the torso upright and tight. These muscles work with the abdominal muscles and help keep the spinal cord strong giving it it’s natural curves.

  • Aids in building a strong back: As the weight of the body in Paripurna Navasana is at the centre, the abdominal muscles do their work continuously. This brings about a good stretch to the lower back making it strong and firm. The strength of the back will be a great support for the hips to go comfortably in this posture.

  • Improves the alignment of the entire body: This wonderful pose with the upper torso and the lower body completely stretched brings the body in a perfect alignment forming the letter ‘V’. Repeating this pose will eventually improve the alignment of the body as, the neck and the shoulders need to be stretched out, the chest expanded forward giving the spine it’s natural curve, the thighs and the legs stretched out straight and balanced well in the air.

  • Aids in improving digestion: While at this pose the abdominal muscles are at work, it brings about better and improved digestion. The tightening of these muscles works on the abdominal organs, helping in the proper functioning of the same.

  • Focuses on balancing the body: With proper practice this pose builds up the confidence which helps in balancing the body well. This focus on balance, also helps in stress relief and aids in concentration.

Ubhaya Padangusthasana
Single and Double Toe Hold

With practice, this beautiful pose (Toe Hold- Ubhaya Padangusthasana) will bring a deep connection of the mind and the body and make breathing to a soft and humble pace. The mastery of this pose has many benefits, but repeated practice of the same is essential to bring these advantages to the body first and then to the mind.

  • Stretches Muscles: The entire leg muscles from the hip, and the arm muscles from the shoulders, are stretched to the maximum.

  • Opens Chest and Shoulders: This pose opens the chest and the shoulders in a beautiful way giving the practitioner a simple joy of holding on to the pose with a smile.

  • Stretches Spine and Relieves Backaches: By stretching the entire spine, this yoga pose helps relieve backaches and the toning of the muscles around the spine helps the spine carry the prana smoothly.

  • Improves Flexibility of the Body: The stretching of the entire spine, legs and arms improves the flexibility of the body.

  • Stimulates Nervous System: This pose stimulates the nervous system and brings in fresh oxygen to the brain and keeps the brain more active.

  • Strengthens Core: The beauty of this pose is that it strengthens the core. This core strength holds and balances the body on the sitting bones. The tightening of the abdominal muscles tones the tummy and the core becomes strong.

  • Eliminates Stress: This pose cannot be mastered if the balance of the body and the connection of the body and the mind are missing. The main goal of this pose is ‘balance’ which actually comes from a connection between the body and the mind. This pose thus helps improve the concentration of the mind and eliminates stress.


Since Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana) is called 'Mother of all Asanas', it does indeed benefit our body in multiple ways. There are very few yoga poses that benefit us so much. Listed below are various benefits of Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand Pose).

Physical (Anatomical) Benefits

  • Strengthens Shoulders: Tones and strengthens shoulders, and corrects sagging shoulders.

  • Strengthens Neck: Strengthens neck to avoid relapse of spondylitis and/or stiff neck.

  • Great for Runners: Tones legs, hamstrings, and calf muscles. Athletes, specifically runners, will find this yoga pose useful as it reverses the blood flow to the legs. This 'reversed blood flow' helps relieve stress in the leg muscles due to running.

  • Strengthens Back: Lifting of the back and balancing the body helps in making the back stronger.

  • Strengthens Spines: The increased strength and flexibility in the spine helps improve nervous system functioning.

Health Benefits

  • Stimulates Glands: Stimulates the thyroid and parathyroid glands that in turn balances hormones in both males and females.

  • Rejuvenates Brain: As the flow of blood is reversed, there is increased blood flow to the brain.

  • Stretches Heart Muscles: The heart muscles are stretched as the reversed blood flow requires heart to work harder to pump blood to the extremities.

  • Improves Digestion: Improves digestion and relieves constipation. Proper digestion of food is essential for a healthy living on a daily basis.

  • Relieves Varicose Veings: As the legs are raised up, the reversed blood flow helps heal tight varicose veins.

  • Improves Vision: The additional flow of blood to the brain helps improve eyesight.

  • Helps with Weight Loss: Burns fat around the tummy, buttocks, thighs and hips.

  • Manages Symptoms of Various Disorders: Useful yoga pose for managing symptoms of thyroid disorders, asthma, reproductive problems, headaches and migraines, diabetes, insomnia, and hypertension.

  • Relieves varicose veins, hemorrhoids, headaches, constipation, hypertension, insomnia, bronchitis, asthma, sinusitis, congestion, and depression.

  • Strengthens nervous system and back.

  • Massages and tones the thyroid gland that controls metabolism and helps normalize body weight.

  • Corrects hypo-thyroidism.

Niralamba Sarvangasana
Unsupported Shoulder balance Variation

Niralamba Sarvangasana is a challenging variation of Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand Pose) done without the support of the hands at the back.

This variation stimulates the thyroid gland and tones the entire body with increased blood flow. Forming part of the advanced yoga sequences, Niralamba Sarvangasana (Unsupported Shoulder Stand Pose) helps in strengthening the abs and core muscles, the psoas muscles, as well as the leg muscles.

Since the entire weight and balance of the body are maintained by the neck, shoulders, abdomen, and pelvis, these get strengthened too.

Niralamba Sarvangasana helps boost energy in the body.


Headstand- Sirsasana Pose Benefits:

Physical (Anatomical) Benefits

  • The very fact the the body is inverted gives room for better blood circulation to the brain and eyes.

  • Helps to realign the vertebral column, thus correcting any minor postural defects.

  • Puts pressure on the pituitary glands which helps to increase its efficiency, and in turn the efficiency of all other hormone-producing endocrine glands which are controlled by it.

  • The weight of the abdominal organs on the diaphragm encourages deeper exhalation so that more carbon dioxide and other toxins are removed from the lungs.

  • This asana stimulates the nervous system and strengthens the spine, shoulders and neck.

Health Benefits

  • Healing of diabetes.

  • Prevention of asthma.

  • Removes menopausal imbalances.

  • Cure for headaches and migraine.

  • Disorders with the nervous systems, reproductive system and glandular disorders.

  • Solution for anxiety, stress and anger management.

Salamba Sirsasana
Tripod Pose

While some of the benefits are covered in Sirsasana which will also be applicable to the practice of Salamba Sirsasana , the additional benefits derived for the same are explained below:

  1. Core and Shoulder Strengthening: Salamba Sirsasana automatically activates the core in the pose and thus strengthens and prepares the core for further advanced variations of Sirsasana like Tripod Headstand Pose Lotus Legs, Revolved One Legged Headstand Pose etc. The active use of the shoulders and neck in this posture can be an added advantage if students want to include the flow from Tripod Headstand to Bakasana (Crane Pose) in their practices. For the same, the strength of both the core muscles and the shoulder stability is put to test.

  2. Confidence, Stability and Calmness: Complete awareness during this inversion yoga poses is critical for better balance and stability. With stability, students can gain confidence (or even vice versa - with confidence comes stability) and can consider staying longer in the posture. And with time, the practice will bring a great sense of calmness and inner balance. With this calmness students can master more challenging postures, and also face the day to day challenges (part of the life) with a more stable and balanced mind. The sense of calmness also comes with the better stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system.

  3. Headaches and Migraines: The pressure on the head during this pose (when done under proper guidance) can remove sluggishness (may not be for all students) in the shoulders, neck, back of the head, forehead and the jaws. And when done often, this practice reduces the symptoms related to a migraine or daily irritable headaches, with the reverse flow of blood towards these above mentioned areas. Although, care must be taken to avoid this inversion during the time of a headache/ migraine.

  4. Concentration and Anxiety: With a sense of calmness, there is room for better thought process, with clarity. With repeated pressure towards the shoulders, neck, back of head, jaws, and forehead, the practice of Headstand ii opens up and clears the blocked channels, giving more space for easy prana flow. With easy prana flow, tensions, stress, stiffness, etc reduces which help to control irritation. At times anxiety related issues can also be suppressed with the simple practice of Sirsasana ii, and the same can be done with the support of wall. Better focus, encouraging better memory can be seen when practiced with proper precautions.

  5. Chakras and Meditation: Included in the many variations of Headstand Pose, this variation can take the students level of practice towards focusing on the stimulation of the last three chakras, with a conscious awareness towards the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra). With practice, and with the stimulation of this chakra, students can improve their meditation seated longer hours in observing inner silence. Connecting to the inner voices, dhyana can be practiced a step deeper each time.

Urdhva Dhanurasana, Chakrasana
Wheel Pose, Upward Facing Bow Pose

Chakrasana is considered as a pose which comes under the category of Back Bends and this is a deeper backbend amongst all the other poses. So even if the benefits are more or less the same while practicing other back bends , the maximum beauty to the body comes from this pose and also brings in a lot of self confidence. Some main benefits are categorised below:

Physical (Anatomical) Benefits

  • Muscles: The entire body gets its stretch in this pose so the muscles which are given maximum stretch and are toned are the shoulders, arms, wrists, legs, chest, entire spine and the muscles around, cervical and neck, facial muscles, abdominal muscles and thighs. The entire body weight is balanced on the wrists and feet , but the art of balancing the weight evenly comes with repeated practice and with awareness of the breath.

  • Organs: As the abdominal muscles are stretched , the abdominal organs are too toned like the kidney, liver and pancreas. The chest is stretched giving scope for the heart to function well and get the blood circulation going thus maintaining the heart.The lungs too are stretched. The Thyroid and Pituitary glands are stimulated as the neck and head get the fresh flow of blood in this pose. The reproductive organs are also stretch thus strengthening them and giving room for balance of the hormones and proper functioning of the organ.

Health Benefits

  • Symptoms: The entire body in this pose brings about any imbalance in the functioning of the glands. The digestive system gets better and removes indigestion . The chronic headaches and shoulder pains caused by unhealthy lifestyle is cured. The irritation in the calf muscles with uneasy cramps during menstrual times or otherwise weak legs get healing. The back pains get there healing provided the back symptoms are given a good discussion with a doctor. Menstrual cramps at the abdominal area is taken care of.

  • Therapeutic Benefits: Asthma is healed, Back pains, Migraines, Stress and Anxiety. Osteoporosis is cured and Infertility too.

Thus as is done in most practices the understanding of the body and its flexibility during the pose is essential. And as Chakrasana is an Advanced pose under the category of Back bends the physical fitness of the body should be understood well both by the teacher as well as the student.

Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasana
Inverted Staff Posture

Two Legged Inverted Staff Pose Benefits:

Inversions are very useful in many ways but the one and main benefit is, it challenges the mental strength more than the physical strength of the practitioner. Below are 6 benefits of Two Legged Inverted Staff Pose:

  • As Two Legged Inverted Staff Pose or Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana is an advance level pose, the need to practice certain other yoga poses while understanding their benefits is a must. Given below are these poses in order of practice:

Matsyasana (Fish Pose).

Purvottanasana (Upward Plank Pose).

Chakrasana (Wheel Pose).

Sirsasana (Headstand Pose).

  • Two Legged Inverted Staff Pose builds immense strength in the upper body, toning the arms and the shoulders. Yoga Sequence for Shoulders

  • Stretches and strengthens the neck muscles. Yoga for stiff neck

  • Two Legged Inverted Staff Pose is a great yoga pose for opening the heart chakra at an advance level. Heart Opening Yoga Sequence

  • Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana stretches and strengthens the quadriceps and the hamstrings muscles, toning the entire leg. Yoga Sequence for Hamstrings

  • The practice of Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana helps to open and improve the flexibility of the hips at an advance level.

Uttana Shishosana
Extended Puppy Pose

Most of the benefits derived while practicing this pose is considered similar to those derived from the practice of Prasarita Balasana or the Wide Child’s pose. Given below are some of the benefits covered.

  • Stretches the hips and the hamstrings: While the lower body or the lower back is extended upwards, taking the tail bone deep pointing upwards in Uttana Shishosana, the hips tighten up, along with the thighs. This stretch while the muscles are tight works to the advantage of these muscles and also makes them strong and give a great support to the body.

  • Maximum stretch to the entire spine: Notice how the lower part of the spine goes upwards and the upper part of the spine goes downwards at the same time. While both ends of the spine gets its maximum stretch, and extending the middle part of the spine both ways too, the body too simultaneously extents both ways at the same time. This extension gives the body and the spine the maximum stretch, thus also relaxing it.

  • Flexes the spine with the stretch: While the spine and the muscles around the spine stretches in this pose, Extended Puppy Dog Pose, the flexibility of the spine and the muscles too improve. The flexing of the spine acts as a great way to improve the posture of the entire body and also improves the flow of prana while practicing any pose.

  • Acts like a restorative pose: This pose can be considered as a restorative pose, healing the hips and the entire back. Can be considered after the practice of intense poses like Adho Mukha Svanasana, Dhanurasana and Ustrasana etc.

  • Deep stretch to the arms and shoulders: If done perfectly with the alignment of the chin, face and the neck, this pose works as a great way to relax the shoulders and the arms while also giving it the maximum stretch. One must make sure the chest goes slowly and carefully towards the floor or the mat, to enjoy the deep stretch at the shoulders. The breathing incorporated here with the movement of the arms forward is very essential.

  • Stomach muscles too gets activated: Though Uttana Shishosana, is more for the shoulders, arms and the back, if focused carefully, the lower abdomen gets a great massage while trying to take the hips upwards. This massage while the tummy is consciously pulled in, brings the abdominal muscles to work.

  • Relaxes the muscles and calms the mind: The movement of the lower body upwards and the movement of the upper body downwards, slowly with breathing under control, soothes the muscles around the entire spine and the hips which eventually calms the mind along with the body.

  • Great heart opener: One needs to understand the meaning of the term ‘heart opener’ while practicing this pose. Here in this pose, the chest opens up reducing the tightness around the back and the shoulders. The opening of the chest improves the breathing capacity of the lungs and hence this pose is a great ‘heart opener’.

  • Improves blood circulations: Here in Uttana Shishosana, the blood flows downwards towards the chest and the shoulders, and this opposite flow of blood works well for the entire body.

  • Therapeutic remedy for insomnia: This pose can be used as a therapy for healing patients with problems related to insomnia. The deep stretch at the shoulders and the chest with the flow of blood in the opposite direction can act as a great stress buster, thus calming the mind and inducing sleep.

  • Breath awareness and body awareness is encouraged: Here while the body is stretching deep at both ends, it becomes essential to be aware of this stretch and to hold this pose the breath awareness becomes essential too. The breathing will help one to hold the pose longer without causing any uneasiness to the body or any muscles.

Eka Pada Uttana Shishosana
One-legged Puppy Pose

One Legged Puppy Pose Benefits:

Eka Pada Uttana Shishosana (One Legged Puppy Dog Pose) is a combination of Ashtangasana (Eight Limbed Pose), Salambhasana Variation B (Stag Locust Pose), and Aranyasana (Pose Dedicated To Goddess Arani).

Hence, the benefits derived from these poses can be referred to begin with. In addition to the benefits explained under Ashtangasana and Aranyasana, few more are explained below:

  1. The lifting of the leg and extending it to 90 degrees helps open the hips, creating more space for the hip flexors and glute muscles.

  2. At an advanced level, the neck, chest, shoulders, and facial muscles are active and engaged, impacting the upper back preparing for more intense stretches like Supta Natarajasana II (Fallen Dancer Pose Ii), or even Patita Natarajasana B (Falling King Dancer Pose B).

  3. Forming part of the core yoga poses, the engaging of the abdominal and core muscles helps in supporting the lower back to go deeper into the pose, allowing for better range of motion of the hips too.

  4. Impacting the chakras, the Throat Chakra (Vishuddhi Chakra) is impacted the most, stimulating the thyroid gland.

  5. Since this practice is a creative pose, teens may enjoy it the most, and may also help them in gaining confidence and will power, and teach them to have a calm and steady mind.

  6. Being a prone yoga poses, it is a grounding practice and teaches students to let go and surrender, while staying confident and strong.

  7. Although an advanced practice, the opening and stretching of the psoas muscles, the pressure at the jaws and chin, the impact on the hips and shoulders, together help in releasing unwanted stress and tensions in the body. It is believed that a lot of tensions (either physical or emotional) are stored at the psoas, jaws, hips and shoulders, and the practice of this pose can help release the hidden tensions. The releasing of these tensions, brings more flexibility in the body, keeping it supple for more intense poses.

  8. The practice of One Legged Puppy Dog Pose challenges the students capability not just physically, but their awareness and focus also. With a focused mind and body-breath coordination, the thought process can also be channelized, setting a path for spirituality. Such are the benefits of practicing intense advance poses, apart from gaining strength and power.

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
Mermaid Pose

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana Benefits:

The need to enjoy any pose comes from practice and awareness. Every part and inch of the body is stretched in this pose and hence to get its maximum benefit the body awareness during the pose with deep breathing is mandatory. Some of the most important benefits of this pose are as follows

Physical (Anatomical) Benefits

Muscles: The toning of the muscles at various levels of the body happens during this pose. The Lower back, hip, thighs, psoas, abdomen, chest, shoulders, neck, hamstring, pelvic, and calves. The toning of these muscles adds to the overall toning of the entire outer body.

Health Benefits

  • Organs: As the abdominal muscles and psoas muscles are put to work, the internal abdominal organs are hence stimulated. The digestive juices are secreted well giving room for good digestion, the pancreas, the liver and kidney are all massaged well thus improving the functioning of these organs. The pelvic muscles are stretched and toned giving room for improved reproductive system. The chest muscles due to the expansion gives room for good functioning of the lungs and proper functioning of the heart. The neck stretch giving room for balancing the thyroid glands. The overall toning of the internal organs takes place as the muscles are put to expand at this pose.

  • Symptoms: Reduces any form of lower back irritation, leg cramps thus taking care of the sciatic nerve, the neck stiffness is reduced, can heal migraines as the improving of the digestion happens with deeper practice of this pose.The sagging shoulders can be corrected and thus make it look strong and firm. The cramps from menstrual cycle for women is cured. Improves any nervous imbalance as the entire spine is stretched.

  • Therapeutic Applications: The back pain is cured, they functioning of the uterus, immune system, imbalance in hormones thus regularising the thyroid .Any asthma related problems. Urninary disorders are treated. Removes stress, fatigue and anxiety.

One legged King Pigeon Pose Benefits:

This challenging backbend and deep hip opener improves the flexibility of the spine and the entire muscles of the upper body. Students can gain the many benefits with the practice of Eka Pada Rajakapotasana lll (One Legged King Pigeon Pose lll) when coordinated with the breathing process.

Given below are the explanations of these benefits:

  1. Stretches and Strengthens: The stretching of the thighs, groin, psoas, glutues maximus, abdominal muslces, chest and diaphragm, shoulders and arms, neck, lower back, upper back, pelvic floor muscless, and hips helps to improve the flexibility of the entire body. This stretch flexing the muscles and the joints supports the spine, thereby strengthening it.

  2. Open and Lengthens: The practice of Eka Pada Rajakapotasana lll (One Legged King Pigeon Pose lll) is a deep hip opener, hence it opens the hip joint and lengthens the hip flexors.

  3. Internal Organs: The stretching of the abdominal muscles, pelvic floor muscles, psoas muscles, chest and diaphragm supports the internal organs stimulating them. Hence, the functioning of the internal organs like the stomach, liver, bladder, spleen, kidney, uterus, heart, and lungs are improved helping the body to stay energized.

  4. Preparatory Pose: Since the practice of Eka Pada Rajakapotasana lll (One Legged King Pigeon Pose lll) is a deep hip opener, the same prepares the students for a more challenging hip opening yoga poses like Supta Natarajasana ll (Fallen Dancer Pose ll), Eka Pada Urdhva Ustrasana (One Leg Raised Camel Pose), or Patita Natarajasana B (Falling King Dancer Pose B).

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